Friday, July 23, 2010

{create} mallow pops

Another sweet creation from Aimee's husband, Mark.  

To make them yourself...
1. place marshamallows onto balloon sticks trimmed to size
2. colour melted white chocolate with food colouring powder  (avoid liquid food colouring as it will cause chocolate to separate) 
3. dip marshmallows into melted chocolate and quickly turn over to allow chocolate to drip down sides
4. place smartie on top and sprinkle with sprinkles.
5. to display, cover florist foam with fabric or napkin, create holes with knife or skewer and insert mallow pops.

These would be great for any party, simply change the colour of the chocolate, smarties and sprinkles to co-ordinate with your theme! I could imagine little pirate mallow pops created with dark chocolate, red smarties and white sprinkles...or dinosaur ones... milk chocolate with green smarties & sprinkles...

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